7 Elements of Successful Acne Treatment Plan

7 Criteria for a Successful Acne Treatment Plan
- Products
No matter how much you invest in skincare products, if they contain pore-clogging ingredients—like 98% of acne products on the market—they can exacerbate breakouts. Surprisingly, one common pore-clogging ingredient found in numerous natural and organic products is coconut oil. It’s crucial to learn to identify hidden pore-cloggers, or else you’ll find yourself inadvertently working against your skincare goals.
- Hormones
The second criterion is to balance your hormones—yes, this applies to men as well. You can address hormone imbalances by incorporating herbs like chasteberry, Vitex, and Saw Palmetto into your routine. Alternatively, you can avoid high androgen foods. Androgens are hormones that can increase oil production in your skin, which is the last thing you need if you’re dealing with acne.
- Food
Now, let’s talk about eliminating acne-triggering foods. First, the good news: it’s a myth that chocolate and French fries trigger acne. However, soy and certain types of seafood can indeed trigger acne because they are high in iodine. Excess iodine is expelled through your pores, triggering acne along the way. While you do need a small amount of iodine for good health, an excess of it can lead to breakouts. Other common acne-triggering foods include shellfish and peanut butter, as they are high in androgen hormones that stimulate your skin to produce more oil—something you definitely don’t need if you’re dealing with acne.
- Gut
Restoring gut health is crucial! If you’re experiencing constipation, bloating, diarrhea, or gas, it’s likely due to a gut imbalance. Research definitively shows that the condition of your gut directly impacts the health and appearance of your skin. A gut imbalance allows toxins to enter your bloodstream, which can harm and clog your skin. The good news is that there’s a simple solution: prebiotics and probiotics. Probiotic supplements provide your gut with the beneficial bacteria it needs to restore a healthy balance. A healthy gut equals happy, healthy skin.
- Modify
Making intermittent adjustments to your skincare regimen is a crucial factor in eliminating those stubborn bumps. If you’re into regular workouts, you’ve probably heard about the importance of changing up your exercise routine to prevent muscle adaptation and keep seeing results. The same principle applies to your skin—you should switch up your skincare routine every 2-3 weeks. Have you ever noticed that a new acne product initially works wonders, but then seems to lose effectiveness after a few weeks or months? There’s a reason for that—your skin, like your muscles, adapts over time. When a product stop working, it’s a sign that your skin has grown tolerant to it. Just as you change your workouts, you need to adjust how you use your acne products. The Clear Skin Coaches at Aiconic Health are akin to expert personal trainers, specializing in regimen adjustments to ensure your skin stays clear and free of clogs.
- Customization
Your skin deserves a personalized regimen tailored to target your specific acne triggers—not someone else’s. Most acne treatments operate under the assumption that everyone’s acne is triggered by the same factors. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Your acne is as unique as you are, and what triggers your acne may not affect someone else. It can feel unfair—like my husband, who seems immune to acne no matter what he does, while I have to be meticulous. In my experience, achieving and maintaining clear skin requires a holistic approach. You need to identify and address the root cause or causes of your acne. Whether your acne is mild or severe, treating it effectively involves addressing both external and internal factors. This comprehensive approach is key to gaining long-term control over your acne.
- Stress
Why does stress cause breakouts? Stress triggers the adrenal glands to produce extra androgen hormones, which in turn stimulate your oil glands to produce more oil. But that’s not all—stress also increases the production of cortisol, another hormone that can trigger acne. When this occurs, your body needs assistance in balancing the surge of androgen hormones and cortisol, both of which contribute to acne. This is where adrenal supplements become important. They work internally to rejuvenate the adrenal glands and counteract the hormone surge. Dealing with acne is stressful enough on its own. An adrenal supplement can expedite your journey to clear skin and help you stress less. Conclusion In conclusion, understanding the factors that contribute to acne, whether they be hormonal imbalances, dietary triggers, or stress, is key to effectively managing breakouts. By adopting a holistic approach that addresses both internal and external factors, such as personalized skincare regimens, dietary adjustments, and stress management techniques, you can take control of your acne and achieve clearer, healthier skin. Additionally, our Acne Consultation App is a valuable tool designed to provide personalized guidance and support on your journey to clearer skin. With features such as tracking your skincare routine, receiving expert tips, and staying connected with our team of professionals, the Acne App can be a powerful resource in your acne treatment arsenal. Download our Acno App today to take the next step towards achieving your skincare goals and living confidently with clear, radiant skin.