Aiconic Health

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Hormonal acne is a distinct type of acne influenced by androgen hormones.

These hormones overstimulate oil glands within acne-prone pores, leading to breakouts. Many women seek specialized treatment for this condition.

At the Aiconic Health, we focus on developing tailored treatment plans to target the root cause of hormonal acne. By understanding the role of androgens, we can effectively address this persistent skin issue.

What is Hormonal Acne?

The term “hormonal acne” is a bit misleading. While all acne is influenced by hormones, the term is often applied to acne that appears in specific patterns, such as on the jawline or chin, and tends to fluctuate with hormonal changes.

Acne dermatologists often use the term “hormonal acne” as a shorthand for this type of acne, but it’s essential to understand that the underlying causes and treatments are similar to other forms of acne.

By recognizing the patterns associated with “hormonal acne,” dermatologists can tailor treatment plans accordingly.

Standard Therapies Often Fall Short in Hormonal Acne Treatment

Hormonal acne can be particularly challenging to treat compared to other types of acne. Standard topical treatments usually prove ineffective in managing this condition. By the time many women seek help at the Advanced Acne Institute, they have already consulted other doctors and tried various conventional treatments without success. Some may have used oral antibiotics, only to experience temporary relief with no lasting improvement.

Severe Hormonal Acne Requires a More Targeted Approach

Treating severe hormonal acne can be even more difficult, especially when it progresses to cystic acne, which can leave noticeable scars. Cystic hormonal acne is notoriously tough to manage. The first step in treating hormonal acne is to determine if there’s an underlying hormonal imbalance, often through blood tests. Once any hormonal issues are ruled out, targeted treatments can be initiated. Effective options may include birth control pills, spironolactone, and Isotretinoin, commonly known by its brand name, Accutane.

Birth Control Pills as a Treatment Option

Combination birth control pills containing both estrogen and progesterone are often used as an initial treatment for hormonal acne in women. These pills are typically prescribed by a gynecologist, as it’s important to discuss the potential risks associated with using birth control pills for acne treatment. Patience is key, as it may take several months before noticeable improvements occur. However, birth control pills are not always successful in treating hormonal acne. If they prove ineffective, other treatment options will be explored.

Spironolactone: A Powerful Tool for Hormonal Acne

Spironolactone is a medication that can really help clear up hormonal acne. It works by blocking those pesky hormones that trigger breakouts. This makes it especially effective for severe or cystic acne. While you’re taking spironolactone, your skin should stay pretty clear. But it’s important to know that acne might come back if you stop taking it. That’s why we often try to gradually reduce the dose once your skin is looking good to see if you can maintain clear skin with a lower amount. Lots of our patients have seen amazing results with spironolactone.

Isotretinoin: The Ultimate Acne Fighter

When other treatments haven’t cut it, isotretinoin (Accutane) is often the next step. It’s the strongest acne medication out there and can clear up even the most stubborn cases. The best part? Isotretinoin can often lead to long-term clear skin, even after you stop taking it. However, sometimes it takes more than one round of treatment to get complete control over hormonal acne.


Hormonal acne can be a challenging condition to treat, but with the right approach, clear skin is achievable. At Aiconic Health, we specialize in personalized Acne treatment plans that address the unique needs of each patient. Whether it’s through the use of spironolactone, Isotretinoin, or other targeted therapies, our goal is to help you regain control over your skin. For those seeking expert guidance on managing hormonal acne, we encourage you to download our acne consultation app and take the first step towards a clearer complexion today.

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