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Teenage Acne Treatment

Severe acne can be a real drag for teenagers. It’s practically a rite of passage, affecting something like 8 out of 10 teens at some point. Thankfully, for many, it’s not a major issue. A good skincare routine and some drugstore products can usually keep it under control. But for about 3 out of 10 teenagers, acne gets serious. Stubborn breakouts just won’t quit, and it can take a toll on your confidence. We’re talking anxiety, low self-esteem, the whole “hide under the covers” feeling. It’s no fun. That’s why this post is here – to break down what causes this teen acne nightmare and how to get the best treatment to clear those spots and keep your confidence glowing.
Acne Services | Aiconic Health

What Causes Acne?

Acne occurs when your skin’s sebaceous glands produce an oily substance called sebum. This sebum travels to the surface through hair follicles. Teen acne is often triggered by oily and improperly cared-for skin, as poor hygiene can lead to clogged pores due to excess sebum. In more severe cases, overproduction of sebum mixes with damaged skin cells, blocking follicles and causing whiteheads or blackheads. Bacteria naturally present on the skin can further exacerbate the issue by infecting the follicles, leading to the formation of pimples.

Teenage Acne Treatment

Teenage acne treatment is crucial as hormones play a major role not only in teenagers but also in adults. Acne is a prevalent skin issue that can persist even beyond adolescence, with hormonal changes during contraception use or menopause often triggering flare-ups. In the UK, numerous companies offer effective treatments tailored specifically for teenage acne. It’s important to note that external factors like certain cosmetics or hair gels can exacerbate acne, a condition known as “acne cosmetica.”

Acne manifests in various forms, including:

  1. Papules: Inflamed lesions appearing as small bumps on the skin, often tender to touch.
  2. Comedones: Non-inflamed papules presenting as blackheads or whiteheads.
  3. Pustules or spots: Inflamed lesions filled with pus.
  4. Nodules: Large, painful lesions that feel solid and are situated deep under the skin.
  5. Cysts: Deep lesions filled with pus.

The sebaceous glands, sensitive to hormonal fluctuations, play a crucial role in acne development. In boys, increased levels of testosterone during puberty often trigger teen acne. In girls and women, acne can be influenced by hormone fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle.

How to Treat Acne

Mild acne can be effectively managed with proper skincare practices. This involves using targeted topical treatments or cleansers tailored to your specific needs, often including a topical vitamin A serum. It’s important to avoid squeezing spots, as this can exacerbate acne and lead to permanent scarring.

Topical Treatments to Remove Dead Skin Cells

For those who prefer using makeup to conceal acne, it’s crucial to opt for mineral-based topical treatment products. These allow the skin to breathe, unlike oil-based makeup which can exacerbate acne. Many patients find the bareMinerals range particularly beneficial for this reason. Additionally, always ensure thorough removal of makeup before bedtime. Makeup has the potential to worsen acne by clogging pores and causing oily skin and blocked hair follicles. Therefore, investing in brands and skincare products specifically designed to address acne and its symptoms is essential.

How to Treat Severe Acne

If over-the-counter medications fail to improve your acne, especially if it consists of nodules or cysts, it’s advisable to consult your GP for further guidance. Aiconic Health offers innovative treatments like a combination of vacuum and light technology to extract dirt and excess oil while eliminating bacteria. Additionally, the pulse dye laser Regenlite targets acne-causing bacteria and stimulates an immune response to address the root causes of acne.

Other effective acne treatments for teens include chemical peels to maintain clear skin, topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and establishing a solid skincare routine. Using a mild soap can help reduce acne spots and alleviate skin conditions. Hormonal changes during adolescence often contribute to teenage acne, emphasizing the importance of treating affected areas promptly to prevent scarring and improve symptoms.

How to Not Make Acne Worse

If you’re curious about what causes acne in teens and, more importantly, how to prevent exacerbating breakouts, you’ve come to the right place. We offer solutions to address acne scars through laser treatments and various other methods targeting damaged skin cells. Oral antibiotics can be effective in managing affected skin and alleviating congestion in hair follicles. Topical antibiotics containing azelaic acid or benzoyl peroxide, as well as oral contraceptive pills, can also help with hair follicle congestion. It’s worth noting that azelaic acid and benzoyl peroxide may cause dry skin while removing dead cells, so it’s essential to use them cautiously.

How to Treat Acne Scarring

When acne has left scars, there are steps you can take to enhance their appearance. We offer Derma FNS micro-needling treatments and laser treatment, both of which have proven effective in reducing scarring.

Reach out to us to schedule an appointment with a specialist who can provide tailored assistance for teen acne or acne scarring.

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